Asaane Dan – Kumasi Ashanti, Ghana

“Asaane dan” comes from the Ghanaian language of Akan meaning “earth house”. Exploring the principles of earth architecture lead us to this design solution. The project aims to promote a self-sufficient living prototype by using local materials and harnessing local resources. Flexibility in the planning stage allows for building in an existing context or an entirely new settlement in a highly efficient manner.

Backyards of individual units combine together to become gathering spaces. The corner plots are opened out to create community centers. The housing units are interlayered with schools, community center, and public spaces to create a diverse land use neighborhood.

The site planning is done in a manner as to control the hot and humid climate by aligning the modules along the northwest wind to harness maximum airflow. Double skinned walls are provided for better insulation from heat. Some walls are porous in nature to ensure constant airflow. The houses rest on raised platforms to protect from floods.

The spatial organization includes the kitchen and the toilets going on the west and east respectively creating a buffer for the core. The core consists of the open living space and bedrooms. The basic rectangular module can be further extended to form an L-shaped unit. Taking into consideration the flexibility of multifunctional spaces, the storage area could also be converted into a shop.
